Hello, dear blog readers! I have completely flaked out on the blog. Mostly it's because our electronic devices have been buries under plastic sheets for a week or two.
"Lemons:" yes, we are still battling the bed bugs. Daily laundering and spraying of rubbing alcohol are part of our regimen. Much to my consternation, I found a live one a couple of nights ago on the floor, and now our "baby" is waking up with bite marks. The upside is that the apartment management has sent a contractor to seal the wall where we think they have been hiding out and/or getting in. Clearly improvements have been made, but the Insect Populace is not yet gone.
And our bed broke in the middle of the night. We slept on the floor in the living room for a week. Wes don't mind this setup, but I kept poor Hubby awake with all of my itching going on.
And today, Lemmy thought it would be GREAT fun to leap out in front of me as I was walking to the kitchen and grab my leg. Result? I tripped. To do otherwise with a toddler hanging on my leg would have been worthy of a comic strip hero. Broken toe (or at least very badly sprained), I'm fairly certain. I've had broken toes before. I just worry that this might be bothersome right before I'm supposed to start my new job (where I'm required to be on my feet for hours).
In other (happier) news, the plants on my porch have turned a corner and are actually doing BETTER! The basil is now 4.5 inches tall (instead of 3). The mint has new growth. Honestly, I thought that if I could kill mint, I must accept the fact that I'm the first in three generations of amazing gardeners to have to give up gardening, but since I have not yet killed it off, I'm going to persist in my porch gardening efforts. My geraniums also have blossoms again. What happened? I moved them to bigger pots with more water! The upside? Since they were so "sickly" all summer long, the insect populace hasn't laid eggs/there have been no larvae yet to consume the yummy goodness. (That'll be next week's post. I just know it.)
AND, dear blog readers, after three particularly difficult days, Lemmy is completely potty trained! I could hardly believe that he transitioned so quickly.
AND, dear blog readers, Blossom (my "baby") started walking eight days ago! Hasn't walked since, but she DID walk. She can also climb onto kitchen counters, so she clearly has deft maneuvering abilities. And she's talking more: "peach, get down, hi daddy, no mommy," and several other such words and phrases are peppering her new vocabulary.
So that's what's new. I hope that YOU, dear blog readers, enjoy your weekend and are faring well!