And then there's the REAL day. When everyone wakes up, you realize both kids have loaded their drawers and one of the beds is soiled. The day starts off with a kiddie wipe down and/or light bath while the other howls for their breakfast. Laundry becomes the name of game. After getting both kids changed, you attempt to feed them breakfast. By the time the cleanup is done, you realize you don't have time to run any errands and get beds made before nap time. Nap time also includes two more nasty diapers with more bedding change, and little sleep is gotten. During dinner, one of them barfs all over your leg. While cleaning them up, the other proceeds to dump their dinner all over themselves, the floor, and any other surface within a three foot radius. The day progresses as such: poop, change clothes, add to the laundry pile, repeat.
Fortunately, I was able to change my morning plans (after not running errands) to include a beautiful walk outside with the kids. I love spring time. It's intoxicating, no matter what else is going on during the day. I set a timer and tackled some weeds in the sun, and it was the best therapy I could have had for the day.
Happy spring time to you, bloggy friends!
The weeds! A welcome break in the day.
The roses have survived the winter and some disease after all the rain we had last season.
The trees are starting to bloom, as are a few of the bushes!
A free pick-me-up to add to my counter!
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