Hello, dear blog readers! I'm starting to think that perhaps our apartment management is a little bit understaffed or a bit disorganized....Probably both. We had to pay a "new tenant preparation fee" for the apartment when we moved in. At the time, I thought this was for painting and/or touch ups, carpet cleaning, etc. Well, when we got here, that wasn't the case. (We are STILL working on unpacking AND cleaning as we go!)
This morning promptly at 8:00, three painters arrived to paint the apartment. When they noticed the boxes strewn around the apartment, they looked a little confused. Their timing was good, though: I had them touch up some spots around the kitchen and sink where someone previously had gotten water through a coat of wet paint, as well as a few spots where paint had peeled off of the wall due to (apparently) not having any primer under it.
After they came and went, I noticed that my "helpful" toddler had gotten into the laundry basket, and a few of my personal garments were lined up on the back of the couch. It was one of those days where my hair was standing straight up in front. (Personally, I was thankful that Lemmy didn't choose the opportunity to take off his clothes in an attempt to clothe himself prior to their arrival!) No wonder they looked a little awkward when they came in and were trying to figure out what they were supposed to do.
Well, dear blog readers, on THAT note, I'm going to find some recipes involving lemon juice and fresh produce! Happy Wednesday!
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