Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Have We Seen You Before?

Hello, dear blog readers! Well, we are surviving yet another round of colds and flu. I figure at this point, if one of our kids gets sick, we might as well all cough and breathe on each other. That way we can all suffer and be over it at the same time instead of having the germs linger for weeks.

Anyway, in other news, we have had two more visits from confused maintenance guys. I feel like I've seen enough of them in the last couple of weeks that I had a strange dream this morning that two people showed up and were trying to move into our apartment, and only after they had brought in about 10 boxes did they realize that someone else is living here. I wonder what Freud would have to say about that sort of dream.

Moving along, dear blog readers, it's another beautiful day! Since we're laying low amongst our germs so as to not "spread the love" to the rest of the general public, I thought I'd start looking for local farmers markets in the area.

Any suggestions for those of you fresh food lovers out there on how to find local markets?

Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. Try searching for a CSA near you- they often have good deals for pick-your own, or a monthly delivery program if you can't grow your own garden. Happy veggie hunting!
