Hello, dear blog readers! I just looked over this blog and realized that I have been incredibly remiss about reporting on our summer. I guess that since the last two summers have entailed pregnancy/morning sickness/moving to another state, having some laid-back fun has been something that is taking me by surprise.
A few weeks ago, we picked strawberries. Now the cherries and a few raspberries are coming upon us, although there is (at least the locals tell me) a delay from a colder-than-usual spring. (I can't vouch for this not having lived here for most of the spring.) I am THRILLED to be picking raspberries tomorrow in the yard of a friend!
In other news, Grammy came to visit us this past week while Hubby was in Canada. Lemmy got a toy vacuum for his upcoming birthday, and I have to say: I don't remember the last time I've seen a child so excited about a piece of plastic. If would be right on par with a girl getting a new pair of coveted shoes or a doll, but for him, it's a vacuum. He loves to take mine apart and lost the attachments, so now he has his own!
Happy Sunday evening, dear blog readers! Here's hoping the strange weather and summer activities are treating you well.
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