Hello, dear blog readers! Just when I thought I had writer's block for the night, I stumbled across a Facebook feed that made me smile. While I didn't read the article, the title caught my attention: does pushing a shopping cart through the store cause you to have "road rage?"
While I would very much like to smugly stick my nose in the air and proudly state, "No! That has NEVER been me!", the honest answer is that I've more or less given up shopping at certain shopping centers due to shopping cart frustration. Certain major chain stores that shall remain nameless tend to have people that congregate in multitudes, and here are two of the pet peeves that send me seeking more upscale or smaller venues for the following reasons. 1) People block the aisles with their carts. You politely stand there and wait for them to get over their 20 minutes of looking at two varieties of canned beans, or you politely say "excuse me" and have them look at you in annoyance without budging an inch. 2) You get aggressive shoppers who treat their carts worse than they treat their vehicles--after all, they don't own them, and they aren't likely to get sued over physical damage for running someone over in their haste. These folks have no regard for other people's ankles, fingers, or any other appendage as they bash their way through crowds.
People sometimes ask me why I don't want to shop at these major chain stores. I might save money, but I can tell you: I leave a grump, and I'm learning that shopping in local mom-and-pop venues if possible is far more likely to give me better product and keep my ankles intact. Anyone with me?
On that note, dear blog readers, time to make this week's grocery list! Happy Wednesday, dear blog readers!
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