Thursday, June 27, 2013

Ohhhh, Weathermen.

Hello, dear blog readers! I have to say that there is a large amount of irony in the way a day can sometimes turn out, especially if you're planning your day based on the weather reports.

I have to say that I respect the profession of weather prediction, but we all know they don't get it right all the time. As a result, here's how my day went.

Morning: Checked the weather report. Scattered clouds and a small chance of rain. I got the kids ready to go to the pool in our complex. While changing them into swimming gear and getting the sunscreen ready, it rained. We went to the playground instead and let Lem play in the dirt. It was a good way to make use of the sunscreen.

Afternoon: Checked the weather report. It said 60% chance of rain. I put off transplanting my bedraggled herbs and geraniums and did indoor cleaning and laundry instead. No rain.

After the kids woke up from naps: I decided to forget about the weather report. The sun was shining. I got the cooler and a few plastic containers out in order to go berry picking. As I was loading stuff down to the car, THEN it decided to rain. (Again.)

I gave up on getting berries today.

But then, my dear wonderful hubby came home from work shortly before the kids' bedtime. Even though the weather report said that there was a good chance of rain, I decided to chance a visit to my friend's raspberry patch sans children.

I can't recall the last time I was so happy to have the weathermen be wrong. It was a perfect night. The bushes were loaded with ripe berries, and since the temperature had dropped, they weren't getting mushy during picking. The mosquitos weren't out in full force, either.

I'm curious as to what these particular plants are. I've never seen them before. They were scattered around the raspberry patch and look as though they might be a relative. The berries are just starting to turn an orange color. Time to get online and figure these out...Unless you, dear blog readers, can tell me what they are, of course! (And more importantly, is it something that I can eat/freeze/use to make jam?)
Happy Thursday to you all, dear blog readers, and here's hoping your weekend plans are not thwarted by the weather!

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