Sunday, March 17, 2013

Becoming a Big Person

Hello, dear blog readers! Among other victories lately, our little Blossom is eating "big people" food and LOVING it! Having had a colicky premie that had some difficulty learning to eat, this is a new (and cheaper!) ballgame for us.

Some folks have been saying that kids love bland food and are adverse to stronger flavors. This has not been the case with us. Ours love foods that have flavor. Like many cultures in the world (except for the Dutch--which I can say, because I grew up in the Dutch heritage), our kids like the taste of TASTE.

Favorites? Whole cloves of roasted garlic, hummus, and (you guessed it) LEMON wedges!

The other small victory: I am starting to figure out how to really use my camera, which I've had for about three years now. This might seem like a small victory for some, but for me, this is HUGE!

Here are some shots of learning to eat from this past week.

For those of you who were wondering about what I ended up doing in the face of my laundry conundrum yesterday, here it is. I was sorely tempted to leave the laundry in the washer until a morning when I could wash and dry back-to-back. Since I thought that might make for some very stinky clothes, I ended up staying up late washing and drying, and as a result, I had something nice-smelling to wear today. Perhaps there is something to be said for "bloggy accountability?"

Have a happy evening, dear blog readers!

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