Thursday, April 25, 2013


Hello, dear blog readers!

Have you ever had days that seem downright strange when you stop to think about them? Today was definitely one of those days.

Event 1) Both kids are sick (again!). At least we had a good solid week of being illness-free.

Event 2) I put the kids down for their afternoon naps. Blossom had already foregone her morning nap after loading her diaper while trying to go to sleep. Right about the time I put them down, the lawnmower folks began their landscaping outside. Lem was thrilled: he loves all things mechanical, but alas...They both had a difficult time getting to sleep.

Event 3) After they DID go to sleep, I took the opportunity to take a quick shower. As I turned off the water, I heard male voices. This was unexpected, let me just tell you. I very quickly skirted into the closet hoping that no one was wandering around in places they shouldn't be. I got dressed, marched into the living room, and one. The front door was locked. I opened the door, and saw a mail sticker on the front door across the hall. I just figured that perhaps someone was talking outside and that I must have better hearing (or thinner walls) than I originally thought.

I went back into the bathroom and finished putting on makeup. As I opened the bedroom door to enter the living room, I about had a heart attack in finding that there were indeed males standing in my kitchen/living room. They were very apologetic and clearly felt as awkward as I did. Apparently in the lease agreement, there is a statement that says that the maintenance team can enter at any time as long as they knock and announce themselves first. (I would like to think that if you enter an apartment when the water from the shower is running, you might think about coming back at a later time unless the maintenance is a dire emergency.)

At the end of the day, all we can really do is laugh about it. The good news? The kids have been successfully bathed, medicated for their colds, and put to bed with little fuss. Hubby also (without knowing about our day) surprised me by stopping at the store for a few essential groceries and dark chocolate. He must have had a gut feeling I would need it.

Did you know, dear blog readers, that citrus rind enhances the flavor of chocolate? Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Happy Thursday to you all, dear blog readers!

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