Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Watching the Changes

Hello, dear blog readers! We are on the brink of some changes in this household, namely that Lem is going to need to potty-train, and also that we are going to have to convert his crib into a toddler bed. Earlier tonight I heard him having a noise-making match with his sister. Both were laughing uproariously. I thought I might try to sneak in with a camera to catch them laughing, but when I sneaked my camera through the door, I caught Lem straddling the railing and nearly falling onto the floor. He has the capability of climbing out of the crib. The only thing keeping him in there this long has been a "fear of heights" from the crib to the floor.

Tips or suggestions, anyone, on how to keep an extremely busy toddler in bed after the conversion? I know there will be many disciplinary instances ahead of us, and that he will probably pick on his younger sister a bit. I'm working on getting either really thick curtains or black-out shades to help with the sunshine issue.

In other news, my basil has made a half-hearted comeback with lots of water and a new position on the balcony where it gets more sunlight. This makes me very happy indeed. Dreams of homemade pesto will hopefully plague me tonight!

On that note, good night to you all, dear blog readers!

1 comment:

  1. My suggestions are basically what Super Nanny did - just keep putting him back into bed for as many times/hours as it takes. Don't give up. One thing that helped with my children was to play tapes of Bible stories or songs. I also made my own tapes of Children's Catechism, The Lord's Prayer, verses... They learned a lot while lying in bed for naps and at bedtime.
