Friday, May 31, 2013

Back from Writer's Block

Hello, dear blog readers! Now that we have dealt with yet another round of illness in our household as well as several nights of poor sleep, I have to say that I am out of the doldrums and back into writing mode! What have we suburbanites been up to when not thinking about illness, you ask? Well, here are a few things we enjoyed on our weekends out of the house.

We sampled the wares of the Reston Farmers' Market. It was FABULOUS. The day was overcast (it actually started to rain on use as we were leaving), there were several vendors and artists, and there was music! The kids weren't entirely excited about it, but Hubby and I were very glad we went. I have to say: the excursion forced me to get creative with my recipes regarding cooking with what I had on hand and from the market. The variety of tastes and recipes was fun, and works especially well for a kid like Lem, who can't decide from day to day whether he loves food or hates it.

The skeptics. The facial expressions are similar enough that one might think these two kids are related.
 For anyone who has kids (or, even if you don't have kids) and has seen the collection of Pixar short films, "The Music Man" comes to mind. This guy was a very talented one-man band and, as a result, the market was filled with great sounds of guitar and percussion. Even The Skeptics wanted to stop and watch.

A cautiously optimistic beggar. (The goose, that is. Not the girl.)
This booth was way too cute to walk past and not take a photo. Of course, pictures by my hand rarely do anyone justice, but they had wonderful cookies and treats! (Notice that our treats purchased here did not last long enough to get a photo op.)
 The lighting in my kitchen is terrible, but here were the finds of the day (minus the cookies).
Coming soon: postings of recipes made with said produce.

Happy Friday to you all, dear blog readers!

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